Kamakoti Parayana Mandali – lecture-talk on SHRADDHA (Faith) on Thursday November 30, 730 PM CT

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Jaya Jaya Shankara Hara Hara Shankara !!

Namaskaram. Auspicious Karthika Pournami Greetings !!

1. Please mark your calendars for our next Kamakoti Parayana Mandali program to be held on Thursday November 30, 730 PM CT – lecture-talk on “SHRADDHA” (Faith/ Belief)” as laid in our scriptures, by Shri Sree Aswathji, from Columbus, Ohio. We invite you to join us for this talk, to be webcast via our LiveStream Channel as well as on our YouTube channel and FaceBook Group. page.
2. This is a reminder for our annual Krithika Mandala Veda Parayanam to be held on Sunday December 3rd, 3PM at Sree Panchamukhi Anjaneya Cultural Centre, 351, N.Farnsworth, Aurora, IL. Please see our email announcement from a few days ago for further details, or visit our website for more details. We invite Veda Pandithas and Adhyayees (Scholars and Students) to join us and participate in the function. Please visit our YouTube channel to view last year’s Veda Parayanam function. . ALL ARE INVITED. 
Kanchi Shankara Kamakoti Shankara !!
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