Kamakoti Parayana Mandali – lecture-talk on Sadhana Chathushtaya Sampatti, Wednesday April 19, 730 PM CT

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Jaya Jaya Shankara Hara Hara Shankara !!

Namaskaram. Auspicious Chithra Amavasya Greetings !!

This is a reminder for this evening’s 730 PM CT Kamakoti Parayana Mandali program – Sadhana Chathushtaya Sampatti, by Shri Ravi Chandran. We invite you to join us for this talk, to be available via our LiveStream Channel as well as on our YouTube channel and FaceBook Group.
Please mark your calendars for Sahasradala Padma Aradhana – 2 (SDPA-2), on Sunday April 30, 830AM CT, at Sai Spiritual Cultural Center, Northlake, IL, during an auspicious Shankara Jayanthi weekPlease visit our website for further details about this program and how to join and receive PujyaShri AcharyaL’s Blessings. We request you to register for the event at the earliest, even if you are only planning to be a guest attendee and do not plan to participate in the chanting. Please use this LINK  to register. This will greatly help us with planning for the function. ALL ARE WELCOME !! We look forward to your satsangam !!
Kanchi Shankara Kamakoti Shankara !!
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