Kanchi Shankaracharya PujyaShri Jayendra Saraswathi Swamiji’s 88th Jayanthi Celebrations – Saturday August 13th, 8:00 AM at Shri GG Temple, Streamwood, IL


Jaya Jaya Shankara Hara Hara Shankara !!

This year, Kanchi Shankaracharya PujyaShri Jayendra Saraswathi Swamiji’s 88th Jayanthi falls on  Friday August 12th. KKSF plans to celebrate His Holiness’ Jayanthi on Saturday August 13th, at Shri Ganesha Gayathri Temple*, 403 West Irving Park, Streamwood, IL 60103.  The function will begin at 8:00 AM with receiving of Holy Padukas of PujyaShri AcharyaLs and conclude at 12:45 PM with MahaMangala Harathi, Prasada Viniyogam.

8:00 AM – receiving of Holy Padukas, Guru Vandanam

8:15 AM – Shri MahaGanapathy Puja, Varuna Puja

9:00 AM – Abhishekam to Shri MahaGanapathy, Shri Shiva, Shri Devi, Shri Padukas, Upachara Puja, including recitation of bhajans, shlokas

12:45 AM – MahaMangala Harathi, Prasada Viniyogam.

We request you to participate in the function and make it a grand success and receive PujyaShri AcharyaLs’ Blessings.  Children are encouraged to come forward and sing bhajans, shlokas during Upachara. To enable us to better plan for the function, we request your RSVP latest by Wednesday August 10th,  (kksfmidwestrsvp@gmail.com), and indicate “Yes/No/Maybe” with a count of family members attending.

* – please note change of address to Streamwood location

Kanchi Shankara Kamakoti Shankara !!

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